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Trial course A1-C2 (10 units)

Here you will find all information about this course

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Course description:
Video conference online language course - live with the native teacher and classmates.
Including all teaching material books and audios
Course levels: A1.1, A1.2, A2.1, A2.2, B1.1, B1.2, B2, C1, C2

Tuesdays - 2 lessons (double lesson)
Wednesdays - 2 lessons (double lesson)
Thursdays - 2 lessons (double lesson)

Here are the start times of the courses


Until 10 consecutive lessons have been reached

Price / cost:
39.90 euros - special price including registration fees.

Discount :
there is no discount on this course.

We have no automatic renewals or subscriptions that you have not actively ordered.

If you have any questions about registration: Tel .: +49 69 348 744 14 or

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